San Francisco Art Institute and Fellowship

Good news to report this week

 I have been accepted onto the MFA Studio Practice program at the San Francisco Art Institute starting in August this year.  I have known for a while but due to personal circumstances, I got sidetracked and the news was lost in the maze of events that occurred over the last few months. I have also been awarded a full fellowship from the Institute of which I am very happy and honored to accept.

 Following in the footsteps of Diego Rivera, Ansel Adams, Richard Diebenkorn and Patti Smith who have all studied and exhibited at the school. Am in good company.

 Back to school!!


Anais catalogue accepted into UCLA Research and Arts Library - UPDATES!!

Woke up on Friday morning to the most amazing news. The catalogue of the, ' Anais Through the Looking Glass and Other Stories' exhibition has been accepted into the University College of Los Angeles Research and Arts Library. Feeling very proud and accomplished that my art work is side by side by Anais Nin's journals and fiction. Since I have embarked on this journey of telling Anais's story in a different language,  a visual language,  my language - a language that she helped me create with her influence and inspiration, she has had my back. She has opened doors for me that I had never imagined opening, pushed me onwards, introduced me to many other wonderful artists and writers along the way. (Some now good friends). So now I am here beside her. In helping her continue her legacy , she in return has helped to  established mine. Anais, I am forever thankful for what you have done for me.

UPDATE!!! ’Anais Through the Looking Glass and Other Stories’ has also been accepted by the British Library Arts and Research department, John Rylands University Library of Manchester; Bodleian Library Oxford University Arts and Research Library, Harvad Arts and Research Library and my old school of which I am very proud of, St Martins School of Art, London.

News In - The ’Anais Through the Looking Glass and Other Stories’ catalogue has now been accepted at the Royal College of Art!

Final anais Cover.jpg